Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Real Pizza Bread

As opposed to fake pizza bread?

Apparently I already have a post titled "Pizza Bread", and it's pizza fillings inside of mini bread boats. I wish I had titled that something else, like Pizza Bread Boats....

This is a legit loaf of bread filled with delicious pizza toppings. To get Dan to eat it I had to scale back on the toppings I would actually include. I would have included some chopped sun dried tomatoes, but apparently when I ordered Dan to clean out our entire fridge and freezer on Monday night I let him throw away the almost new package of them in the fridge. Bummer... What else would I like to add? Some green onions, maybe some diced green or red peppers, and some garlic powder to the dough. And more cheese....things can always use more cheese...

Other than the wait time for the dough to rise, this recipe is super simple. You can take my word for it because I almost never make "real" bread. The kind with yeast, that has to rise, and then rise again, etc. I like to throw everything in a bowl, stir it, dump it into a pan and bake it. That might be why I have about 6 different banana bread recipes on this blog...

But really, no kneading or punching required, just some chopping of ingredients, stirring, rolling out some dough, rolling up some dough and baking. It's a great recipe if you're not experienced with yeast breads, which is me.

Real Pizza Bread
adapted from Inspired by Charm

1.5 cups warm water
2 tsp. instant yeast
3 and 1/3 cups flour
1.5 tbsp. sugar
2 tsp. kosher salt
2 cups of chopped fillings of your choice (I used pepperoni, black olives, real bacon bits, and minced garlic)
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
2 cups shredded mozzarella (or whatever you'd like, I did 1/2 mozzarella and 1/2 pizza blend)

1. In a large bowl, add the warm water and sprinkle the yeast on top. Let sit for 3 minutes.
2. Add the flour, sugar, and salt and stir until just combined. Add the toppings and Parmesan and mix until well combined. If the dough still feels too tacky, sprinkle in a little more flour.
3. Let sit and rise for 1 hour. Move to the refrigerator and let sit for another hour.
4. Preheat oven to 450 and lightly flour a work surface.
5. Roll out your dough into an 11x17 rectangle. Top with shredded cheese and fold the edges in so the cheese isn't exposed. I just folded in each side and sealed the edges. Just make your prettier than mine...
6. Let it sit while the oven preheats.
7. Bake on a baking sheet or pizza stone for 35 minutes. After 20 minutes, I placed a piece of foil on top of my bread so didn't get too dark.
8. Let cool, slice, and enjoy!

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