Saturday, January 16, 2016

Creamy Ham and Peas Pasta

I made something with peas in it that Dan ate!

Okay, well he ate a couple and pushed most of the others aside, but I'll take it a step towards converting him into a veggie lover! I made this recipe early last week, but haven't gotten around to posting it until now. Being back to work has me really learning to manage my time and juggle getting out of work at 5 (yeah, longer day now) and feeding, changing, loving Peyton while getting dinner made and prepping for work stuff. I've been into finding easier recipes and prepping stuff the night before if I can, which I did for this meal. It's very simple to make and came out really well. I love a good hearty (unhealthy) creamy cheesy pasta. This isn't cheesy, but the creaminess was perfect and it had more flavor than I expected. I thought we had mustard at home, but we didn't so I used some ground mustard. I just whisked into the cream. The recipe below includes the mustard as intended.

I have planned out our meals for the month, which grocery lists ready to go so I can shop on Sunday and not worry the rest of the week. I've been mixing in some new recipes like this one with some easy basic meals like chicken and veggies or steak and cheese. So far I've got a good system down. BUT, Peyton can't move around too much yet...we'll see how this goes when she's mobile...

Creamy Ham and Peas Pasta

1lb. pasta
1 small onion, chopped
2 tbsp. butter
3 cups chopped ham
1/4 cup white wine
2 cups heavy cream
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 cup frozen peas

1. Cook pasta according to directions.
2. While pasta is cooking, start your sauce. Sauté the onions in the butter until translucent. Add ham and continue cooking to heat through.
3. Add white wine and cook until liquid reduces slightly
4. Whisk together the cream and mustard and add to ham and onions.
5. Slowly add the Parmesan cheese, stirring.
6. Add peas and cook until they are warmed through.
7. Add sauce to pasta and serve.

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