Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I don't have any fabulous recipe updates today, but I do have some interesting tid-bits to share.

First....there were 8 (8!) new pages of food on tastespotting.com. My brain is inundated with a million things as it is, and then I discover that upon arriving home. I might spontaneously combust.

Second....I tend to waste certain food items that I don't use very often. A good example of this is the ricotta cheese I used for the lasagna. I still have 1 1/2 cups left, and did some searching as to what I should use it to make. And then it hit me. I have new acquired ramekins! I have ricotta cheese! I love pot pie! I love pizza! That's right folks, tomorrow night's dinner is Pizza Pot Pies. Stay Tuned. Program it into the calendar on your phones.

Now before this Eureka! moment came upon me, I was searching some recipes to make with my ramekins and came across tons of souffles (they still scare me, almost as much as spiders do), and some interesting sounding recipes. I came across one for Coddled Eggs, which I first read as Curdled Eggs and then couldn't even bring myself to read the recipe because all I thought of was curdled things. Ew. But that brought me to my third tid-bit to share.

Third.....I shouldn't knock a recipe (no matter how icky, or mistakenly icky it sounds) without trying it. Since the start of 2010, I have tried a couple foods that in the past I would've swore to never eat them. When I say the start of 2010 I mean that literally. January 1st I was in NYC for New Years and we stumbled into a gastro pub and ended up eating this.

That my dear friends (or whoever is reading this) is bone marrow. I was excited and apprehensive to try it, but I'm glad I did. My first bite left me unsure, but they served them with little bread/cracker thingies and we smeared some on that and ate it. It's basically like a meat-gelatin substance. That probably didn't sell it too well....but really, it was delish. The second new dish I've tried is Beef Tataki. Now, my good friend Erin claimed that beef tataki tastes like dead babies. Let me assure you it does not. I promise. Then again, I don't know what dead babies taste like and have no comparison. For my 25th birthday feast, my posse and I went to Karma, a Japanese-Chinese Fusion joint here in town. We also went there the following week for my friend Katie's birthday. My birthday involved a puppet named Michael; Katie's birthday involved raw beef. ANYWAYS, beef tataki is AMAZING. Everyone should try it, because if you haven't, your life is slightly less meaningful than mine at the moment.

Did you think I was kidding when I said my birthday party had a puppet in attendance? I wasn't. That's puppet Michael re-enacting the famous Titanic scene on the sushi yacht.

ANYWAYS, my last bit of info has to do with my plan for the school day tomorrow. For those who don't know, I am a high school special ed teacher (now called Student Support Services Teacher). I teach students with both severe and moderate disabilities. For my English unit, we are reading Anne of Green Gables. There has been lots of talk about tea-time and etiquette in the story, so tomorrow, we are having a tea party. This is good practice for Erin's 30th Birthday Tea Party Extravaganza. We are having an herbal, caffeine free tea, one of my girls is bringing in tea cookies and a tea set, and we have some awesome bakery treats like raspberry bows, vanilla pizzelle cookies, and these:


Tomorrow shall be wondrous.

Oh, and I'm sure you're all pulling your hair out, dying to know what I had for dinner tonight. And no, it was not leftover lasagna (that was lunch). Another fun fact for those who don't already know this: I live in an in-law apartment attached to my super-fabulous parents' house. So I sort of live on my own, but don't. I frequent the main house enough to socialize, pawn off my dog to them for babysitting purposes, and steal kitchen items that I run out of or don't have. Soon enough, the cord will have to be cut. (Please, send donations, so Sarah can buy the condo down the street that has a closet the size of my kitchen. The goal amount is $370,000). So tonight, mum made tacos and I mooched off of their dinner.

"The belly rules the mind." ~Spanish Proverb


Aunt Marea said...

Sarah, you are a riot!! I think you should go into some sort of writing class! maybe cause i know u so well, I can hear you talking, the same way you are typing, cracking up the whole time I'm reading your blog. LOVE IT!!!
As far as the Bone marrow goes, dont think i could try it, seriously. But I will def. try the beefsteak tataki. I am going to check out the recipe page you frequent, sounds like there's alot to choose from. You have inspired me to cook even more than I do or try and make something even if it sounds yucky, like u said you never know!! as far as the Condo down the street, It makes me so sad to drive into that development, it was the last of my fond memories, the best playground for many many yrs.. I will visit though if you do get one, Love ya toots, looking forward to your next blog xoxo

Denise said...

Why aren't there any pictures of my tacos???