Sunday, July 13, 2014

Crock Pot Spaghetti Sauce

What a weekend!

It started Friday, with Dan and I going on a dinner date then out for some drinks. Then Saturday was the 15th annual Tyler Ride! Being the 15th year, there wasn't anything majorly special about it...

....well except for the fact that my best friend got engaged! I couldn't be happier for Jaime and Tyler. Since I knew about for a while, my stomach was in knots for Tyler all day as I anxiously awaited the moment. With most of her family and friends there for the Tyler Ride, it was great that everyone got to share the joy of the moment. Between Jaime, Tyler and her parents in tears, I obviously began to sob as I recorded the whole thing (without sound, argghhh!). Celebrations continued into the night, which I bore the consequences of today. But, I capped off my weekend spending the day with my pups, getting more wedding stuff done and making some FABULOUS sauce. I'm about to make some cupcakes too. Couldn't be better!

I wanted a sauce that was homemade, but not blanching and peeling tomatoes homemade. I'll take the premade basics of tomato sauce, paste and crushed tomatoes. This recipe was perfect. I did increase the amount of brown sugar, since I like my sauce a little sweeter. I also loved the original recipe's step of just slicing an onion in half and adding it to the sauce for those who don't like onion. You still get the flavor, but no whining from the picky eaters, "You put onions in this?" (That would be Dan). You could even take it out after and chop it up to add to your own plate. I just left them in the crock.

When I use red sauce, I just like a little on my pasta. Just enough to give the pasta some flavor, and I always need some grated Parmesan to give it more flavor. Not with this sauce! I debated just ladling the sauce into a bowl and spoon-feeding myself with it. It's seriously that good. You can also ground sausage or pork if you want, or any combination of ground meats. I was a little weary of adding the butter to the sauce, but you have to. It's a must. It makes it that much better!

Crock Pot Spaghetti Sauce
slightly adapted from Iowa Girl Eats

1 lb. lean ground beef
1 (28 oz) can crushed tomatoes
1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce
1 (6 oz) can tomato paste
1 medium onion, sliced in half
1 tbsp. brown sugar (or more to your liking)
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dried thyme
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp. butter

1. Brown ground beef in a skillet. Drain and add to crock pot.
2. Add remaining ingredients except for butter and stir to combine. Cook on low for 5 hours.
3. In the last 20 minutes, prepare pasta of choice. Add butter to crock pot and stir in allowing it to melt.
4. Serve over pasta!

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