Thursday, March 20, 2014

BBQ Chicken Pizza

I'm a little late in posting this since I made this Tuesday. I also have tonight's dinner recipe to post, and three (yes THREE) baking items to post. I know, I know. For blogging purposes, making lots of dishes at once isn't great because then I'm either posting multiple posts in one day, or I'm trying to schedule posts to space them out, and then I forget to tell people that I have new posts.

Maybe it's just that I'm not the greatest blogger?

Wait, I'm an okay blogger, but quitting my job and becoming a full time baker/blogger/cooker would be very helpful in improving this blog. Seems like the logical thing to do right?

Before I even get to this pizza recipe, I have to share a couple of photos.

Chocolate Pig Waffle

The Elvis Waffle

Saturday, Dan and I went to breakfast at Vic's Waffle House, a place I had wanted to try for a while. SO SO SO glad we went, because that's what we ate. The best waffle I have ever had. Dan got the chocolate pig waffle, which is bacon and chocolate chips. I got the Elvis waffle, which is a bacon waffle, spread with peanut butter and honey, and topped with bananas and more bacon. I couldn't finish all of it but it was absurdly good. I am going to attempt to make them at home sometime...

Ok so back to the pizza. I always think that making your own pizza is so easy, especially when using pre-made crusts, but they just don't come out the same as a fresh made from scratch pizza. The mozzarella cheese never melts the right way, it's always sorta of a little too rubbery/stretchy, and if you use shredded cheese, it also melts all funny. Maybe it's just me, but make your own pizzas just aren't as good. But, if you want a quick weeknight meal, this is a good choice. Also, maybe you're better at pizza-making than I am...

BBQ Chicken Pizza
slightly adapted from Cooking Light

about 2 cups chopped chicken (I used a rotisserie chicken)
1/2 cup marinara sauce
1/2 cup barbecue sauce
1/2 cup chicken stock or broth
1/4 of a medium red onion, chopped
fresh mozzarella, sliced thin
2 premade pizza crusts

1. Preheat oven to 450.
2. Spray a saucepan with cooking spray and saute onions until translucent. Add the chicken, sauce and broth. Cook for 3 minutes or until heated through.
3. Divide the chicken mix between the 2 crusts and spread over the crusts.
4. Top with slices of mozzarella and bake for about 9 minutes, until cheese is melted.

Want a sneak peek at the baking?

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