Monday, October 18, 2010

Kitchen Wish List!!!

Today, while Mum and I were discussing our new Tastefully Simple products (the whoring begins!), we got to talking about things that I want for my kitchen (and happiness). I decided that I would make a post to list my needs/wants, so it's all in one place.

I'll start with things I more-so need, than want. Or things that are more practical...

Click on the item names or my pleadings to see the items.

Mini Cheesecake Pan

Joyce Chen Bamboo Steamer

Immersion Blender

Cast Iron Skillet

Mortar & Pestle


Now onto the wants....


And this

Oooh and thisss

Gah and thiss!!!

And these

Or these...

Yes please!


I'll take this


I'm drooling all over my keyboard

Pretty pleaseee??

With a cherry on top?

I need a rich husband....

There's more...

This goes beyond kitchen items, but if anyone bought me any of this (or anything above) I would repay you in food, yard-raking, tongue kissing, you name it.

Seriously, i need this...

Why is this so expensive????

Pick me!

And more...

I'm sure I will add to this at some point...but that's it for now. Any items that were dishes..I want the whole set or one of each color. Thanks.

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