Friday, December 27, 2013

Crescent Deli Roll-Ups

We are about to embark on our final Christmas celebration with Dan's immediate family. We've already been through Christmas with ourselves (and the pups!), my immediate family, my extended family and Dan's extended family. It's time to wrap up the holiday week with his family. I can't complain though, it's been a good week with lots of family gatherings! Oh, and good food too!

This recipe was something I made for my family on Christmas Eve, but did it a little differently. It stemmed from the idea of a Monte Cristo sandwich. Somewhere I saw a recipe for Monte Cristo roll-ups made with puff pastry. To make it a bit more simple, I thought I would do something similar with crescent rolls. I can't call this a Monte Cristo roll-up though, because I'm leaving out the powdered sugar, maple syrup, jam, egg, etc. So, I'll call these deli roll-ups because you could change them out with any deli meats and cheeses you want. I chose to use what you'd find in variation in a Monte Cristo - ham, turkey, provolone cheese and honey mustard. The first time I made these, I made them rolled up like a pinwheel, this time I just rolled them up like a regular crescent roll. Both ways are delicious!

Crescent Deli Roll-Ups

2 cans crescent rolls
1 jar honey mustard (you won't use all of it)
8 slices ham, cut in half (I used honey ham)
8 slices turkey cut in half (I used maple-honey turkey)
8 slices provolone cheese, cut in half

1. Preheat oven to 375. On each crescent triangle, spread a little honey mustard. Place a slice of ham, then a slice of cheese, and then a slice of turkey. Roll up like a crescent and place on a cookie sheet. Repeat with all crescent pieces.

2. Bake for 16-17 minutes until crescents are cooked!

I also made my cheesy potatoes, but revised to recipe a bit, so I'll post that another time!

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